51QOBDfXxwL._AA160_This Children’s book is about the adventures of Buttons the bunny and Patches the dog. This book has a cute little storyline with cute and detailed illustrations that younger children will love! I would say this book is good for preschoolers up to 1st graders.

Buttons is afraid of everything and especially of Patches the dog.  Patches is a playful dog who just wants to be friends with Buttons.  Will Buttons become friends with Patches?  Read the book and find out!


About the author:  “Jennifer Link was born and raised in Michigan.  Jennifer has an educational background in Multimedia, Fine Art, and Crafts.  She also has a B.S degree in Animation.  During this time she discovered how to combine traditional drawing with digital

art.  Her love for children and art led her down the path to children’s book publishing.”  (Patches and Buttons, Jennifer Link)

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