Uncorked Ventures…
is a wine club based on the west coast specializing in wines from the Wineries of California, Oregon and Washington. So here’s what I’m thinking. Fathers Day! It’s not all about Beer and Pretzels is it? Does Dad fancy himself a bit of a Wine Connoisseur? (sounds so much more civilized than Wino)
Now I’m certainly not a Wine expert but the wines offered at Uncorked Ventures are all rated at least 90 points.
Say what? You see Wines are usually rated on a 100 point rating scale that looks a bit like this…
95–100 Classic: a great wine
90–94 Outstanding: a wine of superior character and style
85–89 Very good: a wine with special qualities
80-84 Good: a solid, well-made wine
75–79 Mediocre: a drinkable wine that may have minor flaws
50–74 Not recommended
So these wines ain’t to shabby.
Uncorked Ventures offers three basic Memberships Starting at $40 per shipment.These can be either monthly or quarterly.
Not the “Membership” type? They have some nice Gift Baskets available

The nice folks at Uncorked Ventures were nice enough to let us try a couple of their wines. Again I’m not an expert but they were not to bad. We tried the Jezebel Pinot Noir from Oregon’s Willful Wine Co. and the Brouhaha’s Pinot Gris from California.
So if not for Dad or Hubby try it for yourself at http://www.uncorkedventures.com/ and have a glass of Wine while enjoying a good Book.After all you know what they say. “It’s not Wine It’s Mommy Juice”
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