Shout! Factory continues its massive distribution of Roger Corman’s Cult Classics with the August 3rd nationwide releases of the Piranha Special Edition Blu-ray and the Humanoids from the Deep Special Edition Blu-ray.
Originally released in 1978, the Piranha Special Edition Blu-ray offers one of two collectible edition Blu-ray covers to go along with the thrilling feature film and all-new bonus content.
Humanoids from the Deep has a reversible cover (the same is true for Piranha) featuring vintage art from the U.S. and international movie posters from the 1980 film.
These thrilling horror film releases are the latest in a string of new Blu-ray and Special Edition DVD releases to celebrate one of the most intelligent horror film minds ever – Roger Corman.
We are excited to be able to offer ONE WINNER a copy of both Piranha and Humanoids from the Deep on Blu-ray by following the guidelines below!
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One Bookroom Reviews reader has the chance to win both Roger Corman Blu-rays!
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Comment on any current review here and tell me which one here.
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- Contest ends on August 3rd at midnight.
- Winner will be chosen by Random.Org
- Winner will be contacted by e mail. If no response in 48 hours, another winner will be drawn
- US and Canada (Must be 18 or older) entries only No P.O. Box
- I follow all FTC rules and requirements and all my opinions are honest. The review and giveaway product were provided by the business or PR agency.
Views: 8
100 Great Children’s Books

Ann F
I would love to have these cult classics for our DVD collection.
Ann F
I’m an email subscriber
love cult movies and so do my teens
Amber G
This looks like a really interesting DVD to watch with friends
Timothy Chalfant
I love DVD like this!!!
Andrew Gordon
classic b-movies
John Peterson
Have always loved Corman, would love to win this.
very scary stuff
Deborah Wellenstein
I love Roger Corman films, and I have a blu-ray player! Thanks!
Nicole C.
I would like to win because I love these types of movies!
Michael Capp
I’d love to win!
Kathy Vallee
nothing like a movie to keep you at the egde of your seat these would be great for our movie night so I would love to add them
Marc-Andre Taillefer
I would love to have these cult classics for our DVD collection.
Marc-Andre Taillefer
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marilyne lavoie
i’d love to win this for my boyfriend
marilyne lavoie
i am your facebook fan on FB as marilyne lavoie
John R
I have a good friend that loves movies like this.
Rachel C
My sister would love these movies!
Rachel C
email subscriber
Roy F.
Because I’d love to see these. Haven’t seen them before.
please and thank you
david basile
classic b movies thanks
Liz H
My sister in law, Pat is a huge fan of these movies and I remember 28 years ago watching Humanoids from the deep with her. It is on of my fondest memories of Pat.
Eric Rollins
Roger Corman was the best 70s film producer. These 2 are both classics which far outshine their latter more expensive remakes by others.
I would love to see Piranha on Blu-Ray. That movie terrified me as a child! I was scared to go into water and thought floating leaves were killer fish. My family still makes fun of me!
I like Bookroom Reviews on Facebook and my homepage is!/jacob.charries
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I commented on your review of Clash of the Titans. I saw it in theaters and can’t wait to see in Blu-Ray. I bet it looks amazing!
Doreen R
I love Piranha but have not seen Humanoids. Bet I’d love it though. I love old classics…this is why I would love to win. We’ll make it a movie night for sure.
Doreen R
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Doreen R
Left a comment on your You Lost Me There Book Review post.
The Piranha movie looks like good cheesy fun.
Tabathia B
These are two of my favorite movies along with Jaws, I grew up watching horror movies with my dad and I loved these two. Its hard to find Humanoids on DVD anywhere but they show Piranha once every 2-3 years
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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Steven W
Roger Corman movies are a hoot!
i’d like to win because my hubby would love these movies
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Laura DeLuca
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Monique Rizzo
I want to see this movie!!
Thanks for the chance.
Would love to see this.
Facebook Friend.
Kathy Vallee
tweet 7-19 (katscorner)
Jacob LaFountaine
I love watching cheesy old movies
I’d love to win this because I adore Cult Classics, thanks!
I’m a Bookroom Review friend on Facebook. SalanderServant
I ‘ld like to win because I like to see cult classics.
I’d like to win!!
Kathy Vallee
following on twitter 7-22 (katscorner)
I like those cult classsic like the prize
Kathy Vallee
retweet 7-23 (katscorner)
Dane M.
I love the Corman Classics! I own the first 4 Corman Blu-rays so far and would love to add these two as well!
Heather McDonough
I’m a movie junkie, so I’d love to see either of these films.
Patricia Hill
I love Roger Corman movies.
Roger Corman was an insane genius! I will cherish these beloved family classics.
I love that they’re coming out with a new Piranha movie!
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
Christy H.
I’d love to win! I’m a big fan of Cult Classics
Christy H.
I’m a Bookroom Reviews friend on Facebook ~ Christy Hawkes
Christy H.
I’m an e-mail subscriber
Leona P
I would love to see these
melinda smith
I am entering this contest cause I love to watch horror flicks
Well, I’ve always liked fun horror movies (not as much as scary horror movies) and Roger Corman. I also always liked–and miss–Doug McClure.
Denise S
I haven’t seen this, so I’d love to win.
Susan C
I haven’t seen these movies and would love to. I love this kind of movie for movie night with my boyfriend!
smchester at gmail dot com
Kathy Vallee
retweet 7-29 (katscorner)
rob reilly
humanoids?! yay rapey sea monsters!
Kathy Vallee
retweet 7-30 ( katscorner)
Michelle R.
I love schlocky horror movies, and these both fit the bill so I hope to win them.
Daniel M
love these cheesy corman films, haven’t seen humanoids yet though
Nothing like these classic B movies!
E-mail subscriber.
Because I love these wonderful old tacky fabulous movies and are glad they will be on Blu-Ray.
Twitter follower ky2here1, here’s my tweet:
I follow you on twitter (@GMERRELL) and tweeted at
These are classics!! Everybody should have these in their collection!
I am an e-mail subscriber
Richard T.
I am a hard core Horror and Sci-Fi fan from the 50s on.
andrew Grant
wow…these terrified me when i was kid. would love to see how they hold up…
Hesper F.
Follow and tweeted:
I love this genre, and suprisingly enough I have seen neither of these films! Guess I need to win them! 🙂
Hesper F.
My husband likes this type of movie and would really enjoy watching this!
Hesper F.
I am a Bookroom Reviews friend on Facebook (Hesper Fry)
I remember renting these on Beta videotape from our local video rental store back in the 80s. I have always been a big fan of low budget horror. Thank you for the fun give-away.
D. Grant
Diana Mercer
I need to become a winner so I can watch these movies that I missed.
Gary Green
I would love to win this prize.
kathy agate
Would like to win these books!
Jenn S.
My husband loves these kind of movies, would go great with our collection (and fun to watch too)
Janice Crespo
Would be a good excuse for a Roger Corman party 🙂 LOL Thanks for the chance!
Janice Crespo
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Janice MacEachern Crespo
katie s.
I love cheesy old horror movies and I haven’t seen either of these yet, so I’d love to pick up this prize pack for a great weekend of popcorn and cheese 🙂 Thanks!
Hoa L.
I love horror movies! Would love to watch these !
Hoa L.
Following @bookroomreviews on Twitter
Hoa L.
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Tracey Byram
Roger Corman movies are called cult classics for a good reason.
Ed Nemmers
I love Heather Menzies in the original “Piranha”!
Kathy Vallee
retweet 8-2 (katscorner)
Rhonda Struthers
I like to see older movies again, not just for the content but to compare special effects
Rhonda Struthers
email subscriber
rhondastruthers at
Darrell Bennett
Wayne Lecoy
Please Enter Me In Your Roger Corman Cult Classics:Piranha and
Humanoids from the Deep Blu-rays Giveaway.
I Have Never Seen Or Even Heard Of These Movies Before So It Would Be Great To Win Them So I Can See What They Are About. Thanks For Having This Giveaway.
Vicki Andrew
Corman film are classic, great B films, what better way to spend a Saturday night. Love to add these to my collection
Vicki Andrew
liked you on FB @ vicki andrew
Vicki Andrew
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Diana Mercer
I love these type of movies, so make me a winner!
Geoff K
I commented on a current review:
Geoff K
I’d love to win these films because I’m a huge cult horror/sci-fi fan and am always looking to expand my collection, and these two are definitely must-haves. My uncle introduced me to Roger Corman’s movies when I was a kid, and I think it helped spark my interest in B-movies and low budget schlock, which I continue to love to this day. Plus, I just got a blu-ray player, so these would be a great start to break it in. Thanks!
Geoff K
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Geoff K
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Geoff K
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Geoff K
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Erica C.
I love checking out new films, so this would be a fun giveaway to win!
Angela Winesburg
I would love to watch these, they look great! Thanks for the chance!
My cult horror movie loving boyfriend would LOVE these!
susan smoaks
i would love to win because we love this type of movie!
christopher h
i’m a big corman fan
I’d like to win because I love cult classics like these.
Follow you on Twitter- @chryskay
I’d like to win because this looks like fun
Buddy Garrett
I would like to win because I enjoy Roger Corman films.
I love horror movies. These sound great.
These sound like great movies and I’d love to see them!
kathy pease
OMG i remember seeing this when i was a preteen maybe, im talking about the humanoids one i remember being so scared and was afraid to go to my was pretty love to see it again now that im not a chicken sh&$ 🙂
kathy pease
friend on facebook Kathy L Pease
kathy pease
Charlene Kuser
I would love to win these movies,because they are
great horror movies and they get my adrenaline flowing again
Charlene Kuser
Following you on Twitter @Swtlilchick
Charlene Kuser
I am a subscriber via email
I would like to win these for my husband’s birthday 🙂