.  Looking for Books to Help Kids Who Are Scared of the Dark?

Welcoming and becoming comfortable with the dark is such an important thing for children to learn. When looking for Books to Help Kids Who Are Scared of the Dark.Check out Hello Dark It a very helpful Picture Book to put your little ones at ease.

Simply by saying ‘Hello Dark’ has proven – in the author’s experience – to be a fun, engaging way of overcoming the worries and fears of the dark. This delightful story for children aged 5 to 8 can help support them at bedtime and during the day.


           Why is Hello Dark an important book?

By John Coxhead

Hello Dark clearly has a personal family importance, being a real-life story carries with it a great deal of emotion, joy, and love, However Hello Dark deliver in a heart-warming, fun way. A subliminal switch, changing the associated feelings towards the fear of the Dark.

The book delivers a family fun, heart-warming, humorous storyline.It really does embed into the subconscious. Not just for Children it seems, recently I received a message from an parent who after reading Hello Dark to their children said they I have found themselves saying Hello Dark when entering into a dark room. It really does work.

When I first ran into a room, with my Son watching me and shouted in a silly high pitched voice Helllloooo Daaarrrkkk and then in a low pitched voice Helllooooo Darrrkkkk, looking back at his laughter filled face .Scooping him up and running him into that room, to hear him say loudly Helllooooooooooooo Darkkkkkkkkk I knew I had fundamentally changed his relationship with the Dark.

Having this fun way to say Hello Dark, lifts the mood, relates back to fun times reading the book and gives new reference points back to the book to install calm and overcome this feeling, just like the character’s in the book did.

I have always tried to think out of the box when it comes to my children’s learning and fears. Using humour and quickly turning an issue on its head. I always remember my son grazing his knee.The sight of the smallest about of blood was about to set him into a panic.However a quick reaction of ‘wow Fred that’s cool you can limp like a pirate now you swashbuckling, parrot holding shipmate’. The switch from panic to laughter was such a powerful switch, as well as the fake pirate like limp for the rest of the day!

As we get older and see so many things, our mind records images, along with emotion, matching feelings with moments in time, smells, feelings, fears, and sounds.

When the mind captures a moment as an image or remembers a sound that it has seen or heard before the feeling can repeat, as human our fight or flight mechanism is there for a reason, however we can overthink these feeling.

Fundamentally changing the emotion that we related to different situations is key in changing the way you feel about a certain matter.

Simply saying ‘Hello Dark’ evoking happy, warm, family feelings of comfort and humour allows the mind to feel safe and changes your child’s mind in relation to the Dark with these warm feelings, replacing fears of panic, fears and anxiety.

What has been a wonderful feeling is seeing so many children enjoying reading Hello Dark, but also the comments from Parents, Grandparent, Auntie ‘s and Uncles, Brothers and Sisters who have shared their experiences with me.

Lastly, the highlight of this book is my Children. They firstly benefited from the technique created but now want to tell others about Hello Dark. I will never forget the moment myself and my partner overhearing Freddie saying to his little sister Harper ‘don’t worry Harper I know a trick just say Hello Dark and everything will be fine’ followed by both of them saying Hello Dark, a moment filed with joyous emotion we both smiled and that’s when I knew I had to write this book.

Information about the Book

Title: Hello Dark

Author: John Coxhead

Release Date: 26th May 2020

Genre: Picture Book

Page Count: 104

Publisher: Clink Street Publishing

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53550570-hello-dark

Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hello-Dark-John-Coxhead-ebook/dp/B088WL38DC



          John Coxhead’s first entrance into the world of Children’s writing is the heart-warming book Hello Dark.

This self-help tactic created by John Coxhead has been widely successful. A tactic using repetition, subliminal messaging and most importantly humour. Welcoming and becoming comfortable with the dark is such an important tactic, Hello Dark has proven to be a fun, engaging method that overcomes worries and fears of the Dark. Eradicating these issues, via repetition in different scenarios is key to this method. Please remember to repeat Hello Dark in normal day-to-day life allowing this to be subconsciously embedded.

 As we get older

and see so many things, our mind records images. Along with emotion, matching feelings with moments in time, smells, feelings, fears, and sounds. When the mind captures a moment as an image or remembers a sound that it has seen or heard before, the feeling can repeat. As humans our fight or flight mechanism is there for a reason, however we can overthink these feelings. Fundamentally changing the emotion that we related to different situations is key. In changing the way you feel about a certain matter. Simply saying ‘Hello Dark’ will evoke happy, warm, family feelings of comfort and humour, allowing the mind to feel safe and changes your child’s mind in relation to the Dark with these warm feelings, replacing feelings of panic, fears and anxiety.


  What has been a wonderful feeling

is seeing so many children enjoying reading Hello Dark. Also the comments from Parents, Grandparent, Auntie ‘s and Uncles, Brothers and Sisters who have shared their experiences with John. Lastly, the highlight of this book is John’s Children. They  benefited from the technique created, but now want to tell others about Hello Dark. John will never forget the moment he and his partner overheard Freddie saying to his little sister Harper, ‘don’t worry Harper I know a trick. Just say Hello Dark and everything will be fine’. Followed by both of them saying Hello Dark, a moment filled with joyous emotion, they both smiled and that’s when he knew he had to write this book.

Website: www.hellodark.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Hello-Books-110836313968632/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehellobooks/

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