How To Kickstart A Writing Career

Do you have a passion for writing that you’d like to generate money from? Landing a stable and well-paid writing job isn’t easy. However, with enough commitment and determination you can follow your passion, whether it’s to become a content writer, a journalist, a songwriter or an author.


Become a blogger


Blogging enables you to write whatever you desire for anyone around the world to read. Whether you want to show off your storytelling, report news, give advice or record your life’s adventures, you can do this all through the medium of a blog. There are many online sources that can give tips and hints on the art of blogging. Content management systems such as WordPress and Blogger are great places to start your own blog.There are also sites that can help with Grammar if you need it.  You can also writes for other people’s blogs. Blog owners are always advertising for new content writers – some will even pay you for what you write.


Volunteer for your local paper/magazine


Your local paper or magazine may be willing to have you write for them on a voluntary basis. Even a single article in your local paper will look good on a CV. You don’t even have to be pursuing a news journalism career – local papers will sometimes dedicate space to opinion pieces, local poetry and in some cases even short stories. Also check out for local student magazines as these are always looking for writers.


Get a qualification


Having some form of writing qualification can make your more attractive to employers. This could be something as big and broad as an English Degree, or something more small and specific such as a day course in WordPress or a short course in Sports Journalism. Look out for free workshops and free online courses where you may be able to bag some more credentials without having to shell out money. Also, take part in award schemes and enter competitions where you may be able to gain a little more prestige.




As with any career, networking can do wonders. Hook up with fellow writers and you could find out about new writing opportunities or places that are looking for writing staff. Great networking events include writing societies, book fairs and social events for blogs you may write for. You can also network online by promoting your work on Facebook and Twitter, adding connections on Linked In and joining writing forums and Facebook writers community groups.


Create a portfolio


With every piece of work you do, it’s important to keep a record of it so that you can build a portfolio. This portfolio can be given to be employers, giving them a solid idea of what you’ve already written and what you can offer in them. A portfolio can be physical or digital or a mixture of both. You may have newspapers cuttings that you can offer an employer as physical proof, whilst you could provide links to online pieces you’ve written as digital proof. Some people even create a website to show off their work as well as testimonials from people they’ve worked with or written about.

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