Forgotten Violets
Martin Niewood
Published  by Martin Niewood   2017
ISBN:  978-0-9993614-2-9
A review by Mark Graham
“Forgotten Violets’ a young adult fantasy novel written by Martin Niewood is a story of growing up.  This is a story of the afterlife, but not in the usual spiritual sense.  The main character of Meadow Noone is on a journey of self-fulfillment and to understand how things work in dealing with the various facets of living life.  There are friends made and lost in a lifetime.  During the story a mysterious plant or fruit known as Elsyn is mentioned that will make things more clear or confused considering what is going on in living life.  Decisions will need to be made and Meadow needs to decide what is best for her and others.
‘Forgotten Violets’ is a story that will take the reader on the same journey as Meadow.  Martin Niewood has used description in every aspect of the story right down to the taste of Elysn which seems to be sweet to the characters and through this the reader can taste it too.  Another is the way Martin described the tundra was realistic and how readers may have learned in school.  The story is realistic in the way he describes the main city is laid out around the tundra that the reader can visibly see along with how the other districts are laid out.  This is also a story that reminded me of the ‘Hunger Games’ trilogy.
‘Forgotten Violets’ was written and published by Martin Niewood that would make a great novel to use in the classroom that teaches literary terms as imagery in literature classes as well as in social studies classes for a discussion on life and death and making friends.  A story that teaches communication skills in a middle school or even high school classroom.  This is a five star read in my opinion for I was able to make various connections in the reading to fit my life.

MARTIN NIEWOOD lives just outside of Philadelphia where he is a full-time writer. He attended Johnson & Wales University before moving to Los Angeles to work in the talent industry. An avid sports fan, Niewood loves all Philadelphia teams but especially the Eagles. His writing partner is his dog, Mattie. 

Forgotten Violets is Niewood’s debut novel and the first book in a three-part series. He has two additional novels releasing in 2018 as well.

Connect with Niewood on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and at 

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