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David M. Taylor II is the author of ‘Diary of a Smart Black Kid Sixth Grade’ a book from a realistic standpoint on what junior high school is all about in today’s society. David uses the words of the culture that makes this book ‘realistic’ to this reader. ‘Diary of a Smart Black Kid Sixth Grade is a middle grade chapter book that describes a black child entering the world of junior high school by the name of Baron. Baron will find out all about advanced courses, dealing with bullies along with the idea of growing through puberty. Baron has his adventures and his dreams, but first he has to learn how to live with his family and the sixth grade.
This chapter book is a great way for teachers and children to learn about diversity. David used the language that everyone will understand and even have the reader think back to their junior high/middle school years. The illustrations throughout the book kind of reminded me of the television show ‘South Park’ in the way that they were drawn as a pencil sketch that kind of looked like a collage or something along that line of artwork. The captions that were a part of the illustrations all through the book also helped me to understand what the main character of Baron is going through at this age and made think back to my school days. Junior high school is all about learning about yourself and learning how to understand others around you to a point. It is really about learning about acceptance. All people child and adult should read this book for a clearer understanding of what children today really have to learn to deal with along with learning the three R’s.
Baron Winters faces life as an 11 year old.He knows that going into sixth grade being smart, black and a geek comes with a lot of challenges. Not the least of which is bullets, bullies and parents.And girls.Can Baron face and overcome his challenges?
And are his challenges unique, or does he represent us all?
Now available on Amazon
Diary of a Smart Black Kid Sixth Grade
David M. Taylor II
House of DT Books
ISBN: 978-0-9888216-9-9
118 pages
Views: 121
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