One of the challenges our family has faced in the multiple moves we have made over time is allergies. When we have moved into homes that have had indoor pets, like dogs or cats, we have had to typically paid for thorough professional carpet cleaning to deep clean carpets.
Though most homeowners will do some basic carpet cleaning when getting their home ready to show or for closing, they typically do not invest in the deep cleaning that is often required to get pet hairs out of the carpet and vents. Along with carpet shampoo solutions, we have typically had to have air ducts cleaned as well to have pet dander and hair pulled out of the air systems as well.
Despite the expense, it is nice to move into a new home and start with clean and fresh carpets. With our current home, we actually went ahead and invested in Scott Guard protection for on top of the cleaning. It was relatively inexpensive in the big picture and we figured with the major investment in the cleaning it made sense to pay a little extra to protect against spills and other accidents that tend to come up with little kids running around the house.
I was compensated for this post. However, all opinions are my own.
Views: 164
Cross Carpets
Helpful tips you provided for a clean and allergy free carpet.