Hi Everyone!  You may be seeing some product reviews here a few times a month so I wanted to let you in on the deal.  I love blogging about books and of course getting FREE books is even better, so after my success at that,  I thought why not try other things.  After researching some very successful blogs I found these great opportunities.    I am newly selected to be in Parent Reviewers and Team Mom as well as Mom Central so far and I am so excited!    I have listed all of their information and would encourage you, if you are interested,  to go and check them out and get in the action!  It’s hard work being a mom so why not get some great free products to help out.    Let me know what you think.    Are any of you already involved in any of these or other product reviews?   


  • Mom Central conducts two-week blog tours where participating bloggers post their reviews on a particular product. In return, you get to keep the product and if it’s value is less than $50, you also get $20 usually to Amazon.com, Target, or Best Buy. They’re most recent campaigns are for Dawn Dishwashing Soap & Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber.
  •  MomSelect, a program operated by BSM Media which helps companies speak to Moms about products and brands that relate to their lives. It allows you to participate in marketing programs through product samples and review opportunities. If you’re interested in this sort of thing, hop on over and check it out!
  • Props and Pans prides itself in “keeping it real”. They want your honest feedback – good and bad – on all the items you review. This is a unique site in that you can submit your own reviews on items you currently use at home as well as reviews on items sent to you from their sponsors. The review opportunities available to you depend on how active you are with the site.
  • Team Mom, a division of Child’s Play Communications, specializes in products and services designed for kids and Moms. Their membership is open to “a select group of leading mom bloggers who have been recognized for voicing their opinions thoughtfully and honestly. Members become ‘the first on the (virtual) block’ to have access to the hottest new toys and other great children’s products.
  • Parent Reviewers  A great place to blog for!  They will email you with review opportunities and you select the ones you are interested in.  If you are selected you’ll be sent the item and scheduled date to post your review.
  • The Parent Bloggers Network  They email you with review opportunities and allow you to decide which ones you’d be interested in. If you’re selected, you’ll be sent the item (plus Amazon.com gift certificates some times), given ample time to review it, and sent a date in which to publish your post.  They aren’t currently taking applications but you can leave your information and their site says they will review them starting Sept 1, 2008.
  • If you join MotherTalk (Mother-talk.com) you can have the opportunity to be a part of book blog tours. If selected for a particular tour, you would receive a complimentary book and write a review about it on your blog. As thanks for being part of the tour bloggers typically also receive a $20 Amazon gift certificate. MotherTalk and Mom Central are now connected and will be offering a diverse array of books and other products for Moms and families. Some of Mom Central’s other recent blog tours have been for Disney Records, Suave, Beaches Resorts, California Strawberry Commission, etc. To join MotherTalk and/or Mom Central visit: http://www.momcentral.com/ and http://mother-talk.com/wp/
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