Aoleon The Martian Girl Part 5

                   The Great Pyramid of Cydonia

“Helios is not a complete idiot…but then again,some of my parts are still missing”  That little excerpt right there is the perfect example of why I enjoyed this Science fiction adventure so much.Sure the story is fun,the characters are pretty cool and once again can’t sayaoleon 5 enough about  the graphics.But when you get right down to it,the thing that makes a good book no matter the age level or genre is the writing.When the author keeps you on your toes not wanting  to miss anything. As the story progresses be careful not to go to fast you might miss the clever and witty little tidbits like Helios’ little comment.  I love stuff  like that. If you don’t think the “Idiot” comment is funny this might not be the series for you. I get that not everyone has the same type sense of humor,take my wife…PLEASE! Juuuust kidding.

Book five was quite satisfying.I’ll still stick to my story and say I still think book four was the best.Not to take anything away from this one though.The adventure progresses nicely and the fun is still there.Helios the robot is quite  character with a personality all his own.Plenty of action but then you might expect that when your saving the world. I was expecting a little more from the finale . So maybe book six is on the way? I would like to see how Gilbert is received back on Earth and what the final comical conclusions are from our so called leaders in Washington DC.

Brent LeVasseur has done a wonderful job bringing his characters to life and creating a  a few great new heroes  to root for.He makes you care about Aoleon’s friends and family while giving everyone a distinct personality. He mixes in clever little references to certain books and movies that are fun to pick out. All the while the gang is doing their best to save Earth. It’s a very good story for any age full of danger and adventure with a little science mixed in.It must take a great imagination to come up with this type of story. With the pictures to highlight everything it’s a magical Science fiction adventure…

And just for good measure Gilbert thinks you should check the privacy settings on your facebook page!(just Sayin’)

Aoleon The Martian Girl: - Science Fiction Saga Part 5 The Great Pyramid of Cydonia Avaiable on Amazon



About the author:

enjoys crafting good stories based on lovable characters designed to translate well to multiple media formats such as books, games, movies, and toys. He lives in New York when he is not commuting between Southern California and Olympus Mons, Mars. His hobbies include writing, 3D animation, musical composition, and intergalactic space travel. He also enjoys various sports such as skiing, running, and exospheric skydiving.

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