Okay, I HAD to tell you this story. I was picking up my son from school yesterday which is a Christian school, so it’s about twenty minutes from our house by taking the highway. As I was turning a corner, just before I was getting on the highway, my car just quit. Guess where it happened to quit…. can you tell where this story is going? And just guess who happened to be standing outside but a big group of FIREMEN! My car was in the middle of the street and cars were whizzing by getting mad. As if in slow motion, they all turned at once and came jogging over. sigh, I am a happily married lady, but who in their wildest dreams could ever imagine being grateful their car broke down. in front of a firestation. filled with firemen in the parking lot. Well, they pushed my car into their lot, I got some help, and that’s my story. I swear! Thanks guys!
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here from ICLW.
You are a very lucky girl. One fireman is a total fantasy come true but several of them, well thats just not fair!!! Good for you though. Definately the right place to break down 😉
Coming over from ICLW…
When I had a wreck in Dec a fireman let me use his phone, when I hit end I saw a naked womans boobs on his screen saver LOL! Firemen ARE hot! Heh.
Oh, lucky you. Nice photo!
ohhh lucky lady! I wish my car broke down in more convinent places!!!
here from ICLW
OMG-you lucky girl!!!
Coming from ICLW. I always love a fireman!
Oh… but to have been a fireman and had the chance to have helped rescue such a beautiful, intelligent and sophisticated fan of books…
What a great story! The picture didn’t come up for me, but I can make pictures in my head!
With a little embellishment this would be a great start to a book….