
apple ipad

I teased you last week with my post “Guess my new Obsession.” There were some fun guesses and some of you got it right! Yes, my new obsession is the Apple iPad. I am so impressed with it that you will be seeing a couple of reviews about it. Next week I will be focusing on the iPad's benefits for children on the Autism Spectrum. This is not a technical review, it is a mom's point of view. I listed my ten favorite things about the iPad below. The iPad I used for this review is the 64GB WiFi version.

blue journaling mat

  1. The convenience factor. I am a busy mom and need to use my laptop throughout the day to keep up with my website. The iPad is SO easy to grab, turn on and check my e-mail, Twitter and Facebook accounts. It is lightweight and the perfect size for me.

Using the iPad with children.   I have three boys and a big age span with a 9 month old, six year old and a seventeen year old. They love the iPad too.  I have had to fight for it with my oldest.  There are thousands of Apps to purchase and my favorite are the educational and interactive books.   My teen is enjoying the game apps.   I put together a Back to School list of apps for suggestion.   My baby enjoys looking at the interactive books and a flash card for babies app.

 Itunes comes with the iPad and you can sync all of your music from your computer, iPhone and iPod. I have been setting it on the counter to listen to music. I haven't been able to use headphones because I can't hear the baby, and the sound is pretty good.


It is an e-reader. I am an avid reader and this was my first experience with using one. I really thought I wouldn't like them. Hello! I love it! I am a night reader which distracts my husband. The iPad has a light that can be adjusted and is much more comfortable to use in bed. The iPad comes with iBooks and I was impressed with the selection and ease of use.

Using the iPad in the kitchen is a breeze. There are a ton of apps with recipes and cooking tips. I found a couple that I thought fit for me. I propped up the iPad on my counter and followed the instructions and pictures while I cooked. Just be careful you don't get anything on it.

The Beautiful and colorful images that reflect from the screen.   The apps and movies look amazing and so clear on the iPad.

Browsing the Internet is easy.   That is, if you buy the the Wifi versions. I haven't had any problems with my connection in the past three weeks.I like that I can just grab iand go.                                                                                                                                                            

You can watch movies and television on the iPad. Just a few of the options are iTunes, Netflix, YouTube, and ABC. I read there are more coming too.ipadmovies

The touch screen is just cool.  It is even easier for younger children too. Fun features include the pinch and grab, flicking your e-mails off the screen and rotating and moving items.

There are many extras including keyboards, headphones and the case I used was perfect.  It held the iPad very solid and can be folded to a stand for the iPad too.

The price is reasonable for everything it can do.

blue journaling matDONT

No camera yet.

You can't multitask such as using Twitter and browsing the web at same time yet.

NO FLASH PLAYER, know what that means? Can't watch everything on your iPad quite yet.  They are working hard on that though.

Fingerprints are annoying.

blue journaling matPURCHASE

You can purchase the iPad online at the Apple store.  If you buy online they will ship your iPad for free.  You can find an Apple store near you. There are over 200 stores.   The Apple stores are providing free classes and set ups.  This mom highly recommends the iPad for moms and dads too!

Our Favorite app so far has been Larry the Talking Bird.  Watch the video below to see why. 




disclosure: I follow all FTC rules.  This product was provided for review for thirty days and sent back. I was also provided an iTunes gift card to review apps for Autism benefits.    This doesn't affect my honest review.  I will definitely be buying an iPad with my own money! images are provided by Apple.

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