I teased you last week with my post “Guess my new Obsession.” There were some fun guesses and some of you got it right! Yes, my new obsession is the Apple iPad. I am so impressed with it that you will be seeing a couple of reviews about it. Next week I will be focusing on the iPad's benefits for children on the Autism Spectrum. This is not a technical review, it is a mom's point of view. I listed my ten favorite things about the iPad below. The iPad I used for this review is the 64GB WiFi version.
- The convenience factor. I am a busy mom and need to use my laptop throughout the day to keep up with my website. The iPad is SO easy to grab, turn on and check my e-mail, Twitter and Facebook accounts. It is lightweight and the perfect size for me.
Using the iPad with children. I have three boys and a big age span with a 9 month old, six year old and a seventeen year old. They love the iPad too. I have had to fight for it with my oldest. There are thousands of Apps to purchase and my favorite are the educational and interactive books. My teen is enjoying the game apps. I put together a Back to School list of apps for suggestion. My baby enjoys looking at the interactive books and a flash card for babies app.
Itunes comes with the iPad and you can sync all of your music from your computer, iPhone and iPod. I have been setting it on the counter to listen to music. I haven't been able to use headphones because I can't hear the baby, and the sound is pretty good.
It is an e-reader. I am an avid reader and this was my first experience with using one. I really thought I wouldn't like them. Hello! I love it! I am a night reader which distracts my husband. The iPad has a light that can be adjusted and is much more comfortable to use in bed. The iPad comes with iBooks and I was impressed with the selection and ease of use.
Using the iPad in the kitchen is a breeze. There are a ton of apps with recipes and cooking tips. I found a couple that I thought fit for me. I propped up the iPad on my counter and followed the instructions and pictures while I cooked. Just be careful you don't get anything on it.
The Beautiful and colorful images that reflect from the screen. The apps and movies look amazing and so clear on the iPad.
Browsing the Internet is easy. That is, if you buy the the Wifi versions. I haven't had any problems with my connection in the past three weeks.I like that I can just grab iand go.
You can watch movies and television on the iPad. Just a few of the options are iTunes, Netflix, YouTube, and ABC. I read there are more coming too.
The touch screen is just cool. It is even easier for younger children too. Fun features include the pinch and grab, flicking your e-mails off the screen and rotating and moving items.
There are many extras including keyboards, headphones and the case I used was perfect. It held the iPad very solid and can be folded to a stand for the iPad too.
The price is reasonable for everything it can do.
No camera yet.
You can't multitask such as using Twitter and browsing the web at same time yet.
NO FLASH PLAYER, know what that means? Can't watch everything on your iPad quite yet. They are working hard on that though.
Fingerprints are annoying.
You can purchase the iPad online at the Apple store. If you buy online they will ship your iPad for free. You can find an Apple store near you. There are over 200 stores. The Apple stores are providing free classes and set ups. This mom highly recommends the iPad for moms and dads too!
Our Favorite app so far has been Larry the Talking Bird. Watch the video below to see why.
disclosure: I follow all FTC rules. This product was provided for review for thirty days and sent back. I was also provided an iTunes gift card to review apps for Autism benefits. This doesn't affect my honest review. I will definitely be buying an iPad with my own money! images are provided by Apple.
Views: 127
100 Great Children’s Books

I still think the iPad doesn’t quite offer enough bang for the buck and that competitors like HP are coming out with superior slates 😀 Just me, though 🙂
Debra B
I like your review of the Ipad, I’ve been seriously thinking of getting one (or hoping to win one) so I really appreciate all the info you gave, I agree that it would be a useful item to have other than just a regular computer, watch movies, and just having the option for all the great apps is exciting to me.
Lori A.
This is one of those things I wouldn’t mind having but don’t feel I *need* to have. I will keeping an eye on them and seeing what other companies might have to offer.
Mead Writing Fundamentals Giveaway | Book Room Reviews
[…] comment on my iPad review (2 […]
Cori Westphal
I gotta tell you, the iPad sounds wonderful! But until they get Flash Player, I can’t see spending the money. You can’t even check your local weather radar! And one big reason I would upgrade from my iPod Touch is to watch movies on the bigger screen. sorry Apple, better luck next time!
Thanks for the fantastic review! I’m glad I learned so much about it, so I know that I don’t think I want to buy one just yet!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Victoria Zumbrum
I like your review of the iPad. I am interested in it. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Amanda W
Thanks for the review. I would like to get one, but will probably wait until the cost goes down a bit.
brenda helgeson
Thanks Tracy for the review. I have had mixed feelings about the ipad, not knowing if it was worth the price, but not knowing all the details. You have cleared some up for me.
Thanks for the great review. Although it looks awesome and I would love to have one I will not be shelling out the money for it.
I wouldn’t pay for an iPad, but if I were to get one as a gift I’d definitely use it a lot. lol
Right now, I would personally rather have a net book and iPod instead of an iPad. I don’t like the keyboard on the iPad and it just really doesn’t have enough features that I would use that I don’t already have on my iPod to justify the cost.
Great review. My husband has it, so I borrow it sometimes (very rarely!) and I think it’s pretty cool. I’m gonna have him download that talking bird app 😛 Thanks!
deb c
How can it be your obsession when it’s mine? I would love to have one, but, I’m not willing to pay the money for it. Right now, it’s school clothes and shoes, and school supplies. Always
Rebekah Crain
Thanks for such an honest, down to earth review. I think this sounds like a great product, but I don’t think I’d order one until they had the flash issue worked out. I view flash programs all too often to have a system that doesn’t include that. Other than that though it sounds like a really good system.
P.S. I’d love to enter your giveaway. Thanks
Your review was really informative. It does sound great – but is missing some key features. I think having one would be great – just not yet, maybe once it is a bit more refined
Laura P.
I have to admit I do like many of the features BUT I think it is a little on the pricey side for me when taking into account that I wouldn’t be using a lot of the features. However, if I traveled a lot I would consider it though.
Nancy T
I wondered if it was a e-reader. Now I want one.
Your review was really informative. It does sound great – but is missing some key features. I think having one would be great – just not yet, maybe once it is a bit more refined. Thanks
Kathy Vallee
I had considered getting an ipad and then saw your review and I think it would work even more for me now
I love the idea of using it for recipes while cooking! I would have never thought of that.
Becky H
It’s a very tempting device but you just know next year will see a camera and a lack of flash is irritating. Would still cause arguments with my 5 year old though.
I think the iPad is super! My kids love to work with it when we visit the Apple Store and there are so many apps that can be used for education (if used appropriately, of course). I wish there were more durable and protective cases for it, but that might just be a matter of time. I’m looking forward to more of your reviews!
It sounds like the good really outweighs the bad in many ways. Interesting review…I think though, for me, with the amount of money it costs, I’d want a product that has flash.
I’ve never used an e-reader either…I think this sounds great if I were to be away from home a lot, traveling or whatnot. Not something I really need at the moment but it’s nice idea. Maybe it’ll become so amazing I just can’t say no. ahha I’m glad you’re family liked it though.
newsletter subscriber
Deb Anderson
Not on my “must buy” list, but I wouldn’t turn one down if it was given to me. 🙂 My brother bought one before the price came down and he loves it, but then he’s an Apple tech guru so he gets all the newest Apple products as soon as they are on the market. For me, that’s too much money invested in what is basically a fancy PDA. I’d rather invest that money in a new laptop.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.
barbara wright
Great review! I really want one, but I don’t know why – just because it’s new, maybe? So I learned a lot from you.
Amy Delong
I would really like to have this,but a little pricey for me!
Kristen Paskus
I think you did a great review! I personally have no desire for an iPad, especially considering the price tag.
It’s nice to read a non-technical review of the iPad. My impression is that it would be a lot of fun to have one – but not exactly cheap & I don’t know that it has enough of the features I use regularly to be worth the price.
If I win one, of course, that’s another story! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Oh my. So the more I hear about this the more I want one. Although it super sucks to have a month to play with one and get all attached only to send it back… so thanks for taking the time to be so positive and give us the 411!
I never thought I wanted an iPad, but you’ve convinced me that I really NEED one! Thanks for the great review!
Heather Smith
I have been entering giveaways for these things all year long. My dh has been foaming at the mouth for one. I like them, but the fact that you can’t multi-task makes me prefer a laptop.
I wouldn’t mind having one. I do like the fact it can multi task.
Snowflake07 (Audra)
Personally, I would love one of these. I’ve used Apple products since the 80s. I was Apple before Apple was cool. 🙂 It’s too bad you can’t do twitter and browse the web at the same time. The Flash thing doesn’t bother me much; I have a script that turns most of that Flash stuff off anyhow. It’s like most things…I’ll probably wait until the price drops a little before seriously considering a purchase. I do love your idea of using it in the kitchen for referencing recipes.
Great review! It sounds pretty great, but a little too pricey for me 🙂
Cynthya P
I definitely want one but I’ll probably wait for the next version. A couple people I know have one and they love it.
Although the iPad has a lot to offer, i feel the price is too much for a general person with avg salary. They should offer such a price such that everyone can afford it and thus make it the most popular item in the tech world. Also it would make it hard for other competitors to sell their product for lesser than what apple offers-in turn making it all the more popular and sought after item! 🙂
but i have to agree..i love reading the ebooks! just amazing stuff -esp the light adjusting feature 🙂 i so want one..but just waiting a few more months for others to come out with their version of ipad 🙂
I really liked your review of the iPad. I have heard bits and pieces about it, but never knew from a ‘mom’ standpoint the pros and cons. I like your comment about how you can read in bed with the light on the iPad. That’s a cool thing I never thought about with this system. Great review! Thanks!
Owen's Mom
Yes, I like them… not they aren’t perfect, but what is? And want one. Eventually I will have one.
I love the convenience. But, I am not happy with how heavy they are. My MIL got a stand for it, and that helps… but I hope they get thinner and lighter. 🙂
Sounds like a wonderful piece of technology. I like how convenient it is and sounds really easy to use. I’ll have to admit that I don’t think I would bother purchasing it if I couldn’t have several webpages open at once….that’s a MUST for me. The fingerprints would be kinda annoying too…maybe they should give out a cleaner when you buy them 😉
Larry is hillarious! 🙂
Gloria M.
My kids would be thrilled to have one of these, me too! I can’t believe the technology these days. Thanks for entering me! I didn’t know you could watch movies and tv shows on it.
What a thorough review of the iPad! The guys in
my life are very much into electronics, but none
of us have an iPad, yet…It sounds fabulous for
the age spans in our immediate family and we use
Netflix. The touch pad sounds fun, but I would
be wiping the screen constantly for finger prints.
After reading your review, I really want to go
to the store and play with it!
Many thanks, Cindi
The I Pad is very cool – I appreciated your article. It is on my sich list – but not at the top.
I just love the IPad and all the features that it has to offer and after reading your review well it seems to me that it is something I would purchase in the near future.
Lisa A.
I really enjoyed reading your review. I’ve been to the local Apple store and played with one, but I haven’t taken the plunge and actually bought one yet. I think it would be a great alternative to my clunky, hot laptop! I’m sure I’ll break down and get one eventually!
Nicole L.
Our library just started buying ebooks (took us long enough) and I know they don’t work with the Kindle yet. I’ve been wondering if they would work with the iPad. I still can’t justify buying one for myself yet on a librarian’s salary. Sounds like fun to have though.
I’m torn, but your review is moving me closer to a purchase. I’m so in for the portability, the larger screen for e-booking and video. The price is still making me hesitate…hmmmm…what to do? 😉
sue brandes
Thanks for your review. I sure would love one but; can’t with the high price tag. Sounds like you can do many things with it.
Great review – I learned things I hadn’t known. Unfortunately the iPad would be neat to own but we can’t afford the luxury of purchasing one. In time there will be competitors versions come out and the price will go down.
Jennifer Short
I think an iPad would be nice to have, but I really can’t justify the money spent on one right now.
Annette D
My son has an iPad and absolutely loves it! It is great for him (17 year old) because it is more portable than a laptop and he can still check email, Facebook and play games!
kathleen yohanna
I want an iPad. My son has one and he tried to show me how they worked but he went so fast that I couldn’t understand everything he was saying. I guess he was excited about owning one. Your review cleared up a lot. Thanks.
Thanks for the review! The ebook app looks really nice – but I think I will wait for the next version of the iPad to see if it comes with a camera.
I am quite intrigued by the iPad. Still I have to admit that I would likely get an iPod Touch for the smaller size at this time. Definitely interested in them as they go down in price and add a few more items into their options.
Great review. I would love to have an IPad. Maybe someday I can afford one. LOL
I still think that the iPad is just an expensive toy for those who can afford it, albeit a very fun toy to play with and show off! The thing that absolutely kills me about Apple products though is the low battery life. My cousin got his daughter (six or seven years old.. spoiled child!) an iPad and they always have it hooked up to charge. But the simple, sleek design makes it so, so perfect to check email, facebook, RSS feeds, read an ebook, or shop online. Despite the not-so-good bits about it, I still want one!
Thanks for the awesome review!
Liz G.
Oh my goodness gracious I can not tell you how badly I want an IPad! It would really free up my life being able to take my computer business/ blog work with me when im on the go, or just being able to take it with me about the house! I have a laptop but its rather big and the battery only lasts for so long before it needs to be plugged in and them im tethered to that area of the house.
You can do SO much with an IPad! Your review was great, hopefully ill be able to get my own one of these days 🙂
Kayte CookWatts
Thanks for the honest review. I think not having a flash player would really be annoying- but I would LOVE using it as an e- reader and to feed my Twitter addiction.
Jeanette H.
The ipad looks so cool! It is definately something I want!! =D
The iPad is a perfect comic book reader too – much more convenient than carrying around a stack of paper!
Lona W
Loved reading your review because I have been wanting one since they came out! I love to read, but have never used an e reader. I want one, but not sure if I will end up liking it as much as a real book in my hands. I didn’t realize that you had to buy a wifi edition to have it wireless, that is very good to know.
Great review. I didn’t relaize the iPad could do as many things as it can. I would love to be able to read anytime anywhere and at night.
However, the initial cost is out of my range and then to add all the apps/ebooks on top of that….how much would a person have to spend to get what they really wanted????
Jaclyn Reynolds
We are very interested in the ipad, my husband especially. Just the convience alone to take it easily from room to room is really nice!
Terry Mac
Loved your review, it is very informative. I haven’t looked too closely at the iPad’s, because I didn’t think they were necessary. After reading your review, I have changed my mind. Maybe they are not necessary, but it sounds like they are certainly more convenient. A little pricey though….read a commenter who said HP was coming out with more aps, etc. However, unless HP has improved, I would stay away from them. Although they had a terrific reputation in the past, it has slid considerably in recent years, and their tec support is now almost non existent! My son used to place HP in very high regard, but now he won’t go near them! (He has a Masters degree in Computers).
Bottom line, I think that this iPad sounds very interesting, and something that I would probably consider purchasing too, once the price comes down a little. Maybe with other companies competition, they will by Christmas!
Thank you for the informative review.
Amy Brewer
Oh my…the iPad sounds wonderful. Bummer about the flash player and multi-tasking but other than that it sounds awesome. Would be great to pack around and have something lightweight to carry and check all your emails and updates on. Something bigger than a phone (because it is hard to do the internet on my phone) but yet smaller and lighter than a laptop..Great review..
It’s an interesting gadget. However, I don’t believe my old computer supports WiFi. Otherwise, I might want to get one. Maybe I will when we replace our computer with something less fossilized.
Tara W
Great review. I would love to have one, but I always wait before making a big purchase, in case there is a price drop or more technological improvements.
Katy M
In an insane turn of events a couple of months ago I won an iPad myself! I still can’t believe my luck and am having a blast with it. It goes everywhere I do. I’m especially loving the Netflix watch instantly ability and reading books on it. It’s so nice to have everything at my fingertips. Like you, I SO wish it had a camera, but otherwise I’m in love.
Thanks for the review. I love seeing what other people are doing with theirs!
Shirley Akins
Great review! You make it sound like something that even me could use. Guess it will go on my birthday list! Thanks for telling us about it.
Your review got me even more intrigued by the ipad. The e-reader sounds really useful and I like the thought of having my music so handy.
Jennifer @ Quiverfull Family
Hmm, you know I love my laptop, and I just don’t think I can justify the cost of an iPad when my laptop is just a tiny bit bigger and will do everything anyway :). I’m also afraid my toddler would ehm, smash it!
Jay F.
I visited the Apple Store recently with a friend who ended up buying one, and he loves it. I already have a Macbook Air which is similar in size, but with a keyboard and able to run other apps, so I’m not sure I’d use the iPad in addition. I’d be interested in knowing battery life and whether with the power connected it could be mounted nicely on a wall or, as I saw a product mentioned recently, on the fridge.
Sonya Sparks
I can’t wait to get an iPad. I have an iPhone, but am saving my money for the iPad.
Kathy H.
I’ve been intrigued with the iPad since I first heard about it. I would use it as an ereader, to check e-mails, shopping on the go and Facebook. The two points that would frustrate me is not having flash and not being able to multitask because I usually flip between applications and windows all day long. I always love trying new technology and the iPad is definitely on my wants list!!!
Mary Williams
I like that you did this review from a mommy perspective. I understood everything and wasn’t confused..lol. I love that you can listen to music on it and I especially love that you can get recipes on it, I would love to be able to do that!!!
your review was very informative, i had no idea of the benefits that come with the ipad.nitb seems like it would benefit parents with special needs children
Would love to have one, but can’t really justify the cost for my minimal needs. I know that ebooks are the now and future–haven’t tried them except on my laptop.
Oleg Lantsman
i like your review. maybe if i win the lottery i’ll be able to afford one. until then, i’ll stick to a good paperback and a DVD! 🙂
Oooh I want one so bad! I need something with wifi and some gaming apps which I can read ebooks on. I also love that I can use it in a computer-like function when I’m on vacation. You’re so lucky to have been able to review one!
Great review. I love my iPad with a white hot passion. I have multiple reader programs including iBooks, kindle and kobo which allows me to search out the best price. For those who worry about cost be aware that many libraries now have ebooks that can be “checked out” at no cost. also many of my favorite apps such as NYT editor choice, epicurious and NPR were free.
I suspect, just as we saw with computers, you will see prices come down for the device. For me it was worth giving up eating out for awhile to buy one. I’m hooked. If you read for work or research also be aware you can highlight and make notes. For the person who mentioned battery life, mine gets between 8 to 10 hours which works for me
Tamara B.
I really liked your reveiw and enjoyed watching the video. I showed it was easy for the child to use, the graphics are great. I am a little unsue about owning one maybe it is because it is a big tablet. I like the convenience of a keyboard and don’t think I would like carrying around a big tablet to do my work. But there again I guess for someone on the go all of the time it would be very convenient for them to have.
Irene Yeates
I am impressed…very comprehensive overview of the iPad and lucid use possibilities. Now I REALLY know what “Apps” are!
Ellen C.
I’ve been hearing a lot about Ipads but haven’t really read up on them. I didn’t realize that they are e-readers. I love multitaskers, especially when you have a diaper bag, purse, car seat and everything else to carry. It’s great that it is fun for all ages. I found your review very informative. You pointed out great features, its family friendliness and others.
melinda smith
I enjoyed your your honest reviews on the ipad.
I would prefer to have the ipad touch,and also would wait a bit before I purchase one,as I find they are currently pricey.
I’m not a huge fan of Apple, but am a huge fan of amazon! 🙂
you make the iPad sound a good deal more versatile than I thought… YES! now I really want one… 😉
Soha Molina
This is a great review, very informative. I also liked your take on the e-reader. I am an avid reader and I have not tried any e-readers because I don’t think I’ll like them. It’s good to get another reader’s opinion on it. Like you, I’d love to have an alternative to turning the light one when my husband is asleep and I wanna read. Thank you.
Susan T
You make it sound so easy to use. I do not know anyone who has this yet so glad to ready it is user friendly.
Great review. I knew about the ipad, but havent done much research on it. Right now it’s a little too pricey to buy, but maybe in the future.
I really liked your review. I had no plans to get an iPad but, I really liked what you said about how easy it was to access recipes and then have it right there available in the kitchen on the counter…with Pics!
Now, I am reconsidering getting an iPad.
Excellent review!
Francine Anchondo
Great review I would love to have one.
I received an iPad for my birthday and LOVE it! I especially love the apps. I use iBooks quite a bit, but I’ve also recently downloaded the Kindle app. Awesome!
Its so nice to have a computer that you can keep in your purse and power up in a moments notice. There is no wait.
It’s a great investment!
This review was quite informative and gave an idea of what an iPad can actually DO. It seems that it offers much variety, which is good for a family.
I’m unsure if I would ever purchase one. I love reading and cuddling up with a good book, and not sure if curling up with an electronic device will have the same affect. I like to wait until the kinks are out too.
I like iPads and I’d love to have them..however that whole flash thing bothers me too and Apple needs to get their crap together, geesh! I already have an ipod touch and it’s the same problems with it. Honestly for the price they charge for an ipad it could be much nicer 😀
Love your review! Would love to buy an iPad but with a baby, guess I would need to wait till I am back to work and then save some money to get myself one. It’s good to know that there are a ton of apps with recipes and cooking tips and I am certainly eager to try them out myself (well, when I can get one for myself).
R. Oliver
I like your honesty with your review of the iPad, very informative. And I would have to agree that the size of the iPad is accomodating, too. But I’m content
with just having a regular PC. I do like some of the features with the iPad, but it’s not enough to warrant me to want to go out and purchase one at this time.
John Deal
I like that your review pointed out what it didn’t have as well as what it did have. It sounds interesting, though I’m not quite ready for it yet.
Great review…I want one so bad. Mainly to show my son up (LOL) but also, because I just want one. They’re so cool!!!
Tracey Byram
I’ve wanted an iPad ever since I first read about it. I have an iPod Touch but would like the larger screen of the iPad.
Eva D
Thank you for the great review. The iPad is definitely something I want but nothing I need. I do hope to get one someday
Ron Miller
to be honest, I can’t wait to win one! There are so many iPad sweepstakes nowadays, I will win one, just a matter of time… just a matter of time
thanks for your great review, my hubby is wanting one!
Nice review but its still expensive- give it time and it will be affordable. I think te company should give it to reviewers for 1/2 off if they want to keep
I have to admit I find the idea of the iPad intriguing but I am not convinced yet that they are a necessity. I think we will probably wait a few years and see how the technology improves before jumping on the bandwagon….although that Larry the Talking Bird app makes it so very tempting!! 🙂
I think they look very fun and useful maybe as prices go down I will be the proud owner of one.
Thank you
My kids and I played with the iPad a little bit at an Apple store. It seemed to me like the jumbo version of my iPod Touch, which I love. I have a feeling my kids would use this more than I would, since all of the game apps on my iPod are for them!
Erin Walsh
I thought that your review was good, and it did hit on a lot of aspects of the iPad, that I would definitely consider pluses. Especially the ability to use it as an E-Reader, coupled with the easy ability to move it around, use it in the kitchen for recipes etc. That already gives it an advantage over conventional laptops.
But when you factor in the cost, the inability to view flash, (as much as I hate flash, it’s everywhere now) and the fact that you can’t do more than one thing, I still consider it as other’s have said, an expensive toy.
When it improves in the basics and the price comes down, I’ll revisit it as an option. I am almost never the first one on my block to go for new technology. I wait until it’s proven more than a fad.
Tricia @Night Owl Mama
lol loved the video He certainly had a great time with that. he has a wonderful vocabulary.
Super cute. I imagine we’ll get an Ipad one day. Apple has wonderful costumer service too and I love that you can download apps with this as well.
Cheryl Greenleaf
Wonderful and helpful review. I’ve had the iPad on my wish list for some time now but was worried that it wouldn’t do what I wanted it to do. Sounds like they will have it perfected soon (don’t care about the camera but multitasking and Flash are a must). I also know to buy the WiFi version. Thanks for that tip too.
Tim Hughes
I would love to have an iPad, especially after watching your video of Larry the Talking bird, that was very cool. My son would love that. Just wish the iPad had a flash player.
Nancye Davis
I really enjoyed reading your review! I appreciated the fact that it wasn’t filled with all kinds of techno mumbo-jumbo that I wouldn’t understand (or even care about! 🙂 You described the ways in which you, as a mom, have found it to be useful in your house. I have seen them in the Apple Store in the mall and fell in love with it. (I had to be dragged out of the store b/c I was having SO much fun! 🙂 I have an iPod Touch which I love, but sometimes I find the small screen difficult to see at times, so the larger screen would benefit me greatly. Thanks for taking the time to review this product—I NEED an iPad!! 🙂
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Great review! 🙂 I think the iPad looks and sounds pretty cool but the price of it is sooo high! It would be nice to have one maybe in the future. 🙂
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Tracy, Thanks for the email informing me of your drawing. I appreciated your review of the iPad. I’m considering buying an eReader or iPad in the near future so your review provided useful info. The iPad sounds so versatile. I wish you could have kept it and not had to send it back.
Amy S.
Great review! Loved the video! I want an ipad to use as a ebook reader and too get on the net with. They showed it on Oprah today and I so want one. lol
Nicole Greene
Awesome review—I hope to win an iPad real soon on a giveaway!! I would love to have one 🙂
Melissa P. @Mel4Him
Great review! I wouldn’t mind owning an iPad myself. Right now I own an iPod Touch and I love it. And I completely understand the Flash Player issue. There is something going on between Apple and Adobe that is the reason why no flash player. Hopefully it will be resolved in the near future. Keep up the great work.
Tracy, thanks so much for the informative review! I love the idea of having all my recipes at my fingertips in the kitchen, the iPad sounds so easy to use. I’m really excited to hear more!
I think not being able to run multiple applications at at time and no flashplayer is a big let down for the I-Pad. On the other hand it is conveniet, light weight, and portable so that has me interested enough to consider purchaing one in the future…hoping the price jobs a little and I find a friends to try out before I take the leap though.
Lydia Larson
I think the idea of an iPad is neat. The touch screen, e-reader. However, I do multi-task a lot and I am not sure that a touch screen computer could handle it. Or that I wouldn’t want to pull out my hair trying to use it.
laurie blum
We are very hopeful to purchase an Apple IPad soon; we love our iPhone but would like to have more of a complete larger computer with us as we travel!
Pauline M
I always love to try out gadgets, though there were some downsides to this, the ereader and internet access makes it all worthwhile!
Birdie S.
I to like the portability of the IPAD & with so many APPs avail it should be a winner @ my house if I ever get one…
I only have an old desktop, and it would be wonderful to have an iPad. I would love to be able to check email and surf the internet on a portable device. I don’t care that it doesn’t have a camera and it sounds like they will be adding Flash at some point. Right now, it is capable of letting me do all the tasks that I want, since I only want the basics. It would be great to have one.
Nice review. I am glad you have both positive and negative. I hope they upgrade the negatives soon. When something new comes out, I almost want to get the second generation just to get the upgrade :-D.
Thanks for the review of the iPad. I think it would be a wonderful portable device to have — especially for trips. You’d have music, books, and the internet at your fingertips in a very compact machine. I didn’t realize it doesn’t have the flash player. That may be a disadvantage, but overall I’d love to have one. Just not financially able to get one right now!
Our favorite app so far is “carl” which is very similar to your talking bird. I love the video of your son. What fun!
I am a newsletter subscriber. I was also the first person to guess what your new toy was 🙂 We have an iPad and it is SO much fun!
I would love to eventually purchase an iPad. It just seems so cool. Thanks for the review!
I tried out my sister-in-law’s iPad a few weeks ago and fell in love – your review confirms what a truly neat toy this is!
Jennifer M
I like the idea of pulling up my recipes on it and having it in the kitchen. I can’t wait to get one myself.
I’m sorry but I already have a laptop and a Nook and those two do it for me.
Terri P.
Yes, I would love to have an iPad. It looks amazing. I hope you find yours fun and useful for a long time!
Jessica Deratany
I’m still in the camp that a phone is for calling. I hate texting and I can’t imagine browsing the internet on my cell phone when I have my huge screen at home. This is probably because I don’t have one though. And I admit to having called my friends a few time to look up something real quick on the computer.
I am itching to get one – even more so with all those kitchen apps I did not know about
I really want one of these for my own, I dont like not being able to run multiple apps though.
I definitely want one, I hope they fix the flash thing though!
Cindy Woolard
I have wanted an Apple iPad since they first came out. My only concern is the price. I think I’d be able to afford an e-reader before an iPad.
Darby Lohrding
I enjoyed your review of the ipad and I did learn quite a bit….is it really that large as in your talking bird video? I had heard it was quick on the internet connection yet has no idea that there were other applications lacking. I do like that there is a stand provided to use while cooking, watching tv, etc. For being so large how much does it weigh? I really can’t imagine this being something quick and easy to pull out and use like our current cell phones…yet I as still learning!
Thanks so much,
Gloria Walshver
I’d love to own a IPad, its the second greatest to a laptop.
Jodi W
It is a very good review. I definitely want to get the ipad for myself and my family. My niece has one and i have tried it out. it would be very useful for me for on the go.
I like the Ipad, but I wonder if it’s too big to take in airports and stuff like that. Plus I worry about protecting it.
Vivian Deliz
I have a hard time spending money on a glorified book reader. I can do so much more with a netbook and it cost a lot less. When the Ipad works like a PC then I might consider it if and when it is as cheap as a PC…
I like it and I want it. Mostly for fun and to read my books on. I need to save up for it.
Val Pearson
I love this detailed review. Through word of mouth, I’ve heard of iPad but figured it might not be all that it’s cracked up to be. It looks AMAZING! I am a book reviewer so this would be ideal for me. I have teenage girls so you know they would love the new technology. My boyfriend’s little girl would go CRAZY over this. How adorable is Larry the Talking Bird? Too incredibly cute! I enjoyed hearing the pros and found the review well rounded and informative when you also posted the cons. The video of your son playing with the iPad really won me over. If I purchase one, please know that your review swayed me in that direction. OUTSTANDING!
I would love to have an iPAD, but it isn’t in the budget right now. Thanks for the review though . . . it gave me an idea of what I’m missing (and need to save for!)
I really enjoyed your review of the iPad. I didn’t know until I read your review that the iPad doesn’t come with the Flash player. I didn’t think I wanted an iPad, but after reading your review now I want one. If the price goes down I may get one in the future.
This would be an amazing resource for my disabled son.
Pam Dick
I would love to have an ipad. I am hoping that they will add to the ipad some of the things you mentioned in the “things we don’t like” before I purchase. But I am certain that at some point in the near future we will own an ipad!
I really like how many things this can do, especially for people of all ages. I could see myself writing a blog post and then reading a book with my son using it.
Marc-Andre Taillefer
Thanks for the review! I would love to eventually purchase an iPad. It just seems so cool.
Judy Killen
Thanks for the review. Have been wondering myself what the IPad is like. My daughter has an Apple laptop, but is moving out, so I need to get myself either a laptop or an IPad. Haven’t yet decided which.
Charity S.
I really like anything Apple makes, but the prices get me down. I would love to have the iPad, but it doesn’t fit my budget right now. Thanks for the honest review.
I really liked your review, it told me several things I didn’t know. Even with the few drawbacks, I think it would do everything I want and I absolutely love the portability. Thanks!
marybeth i
Good Review!~ I recently received a Kindle. I will probably get an ipad at some point. I LOVE my iphone and the additional capabilities of the ipad are so appealing. (especially the NetFlix!)
great review to show that the ipad has it’s uses for a variety of people and that it works for you…like all technology these days, some work for some people’s lifestyles and others for others! I want one! 🙂
David K.
My wife and I bought the ipad and love it. The weight is so much less than lugging around a laptop. And the map feature is very nice for traveling.
I have not seen one yet but would possibly like one, but I’m behind on new gadgets.
Brenda Rupp
I love your review and I was actually able to view one in action recently while waiting for a surgery result, a man was using his daughters and showed us some of the apps. The IPad sounds wonderful for reading books! Would love to have one but can’t afford, my husband is unemployed and the only books I get to read are the ones that I win online. Wish I could buy!
Denise D
I must be the only one alive that still has not seen an ipad but I want to tell you. Your review absolutely sold me on wanting to buy one now. I need something small enough to carry around and check my email throughout the day. I also love the e-reader! I appreciate your outstanding review and providing us with details!
I would love an Ipad. we do a lot of traveling & it would be so handy, & I still don’t have an E reader, so would use it for that as well
Julie Anne
My husband bought one a month ago and we love it… I want one for myself now!! 🙂
what i liked about your review was you did not gush just about how wonderful the Ipad is you also pointed out some of the not so wonderful parts many reviews never touch on the cons just the pros concerning a product
laurie damrose
I loved your review.I want one so bad!
Yvonne B.
Great review. One of these days I’d like to get an avatar – it would be especially great for the ebooks and music I have (not so much time spent sitting in front of the desktop), although it is cost prohibitive right now for me to get it.
(I am a newsletter subscriber)
I’ve not been an apple user. I’d love to try before I buy but it looks like it might be perfectly portable. and I like that.
I totally want one!! I got to play with one at a store and they are so cool but I had not been able to scrounge up the money. Hope I win!!
First of all, I love your review. After reading it, I’m thinking of getting an iPad. Your review is straightforward, very personal and very convincing. Brava!
Henria O.
Neaqt review! The iPad sounds like a wonderful and useful toy! I really hope to get one some day!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Michelle Sutton
I love the looks of the Ipad and was testing one at the college bookstore when I took my kids there for orientation. I love everything about it.
very good review:)
I don’t know if I would like the fact that I couldn’t multitask on it though. I always have tons of windows open on my laptop..fb..twitter, email..google, etc.
I would love the touchscreen though..I have the palm pixi and I love being able to check my email and delete them by swiping them across the screen.
annalisa mck.
Loved your review. The video for Larry the Talking Bird was so cute too! It was great that you pointed out what you liked and didn’t like about the iPad. From reading your review, I would LOVE to have one! I would probably use it mostly as an e-reader, but since there are so many apps for it, I’m sure I would use it for other things too. Maybe someday I’ll be able to get one if the price comes down.
(I am a newsletter subscriber)
Katie Stewart
I LOVE our Apple Laptop, so I think I’d love the I-Pad even more, because it is so portable!! My son would love watching movies on it in the car!
Great review! You do a wonderful job of pointing out all of the features of the iPad and how easy it is to use.
Great review. I totally agree with you about the camera. I have an iPod too and I wish ours had a camera as well. It would be fun to take pictures and then “tweak” them with the various appliations you can download.
I’m addicted to Angry Birds and Quarters. My kids play with my iPod more then I do. I love that its kid-friendly.
Thanks for an excellent review. And thank you for letting me know about that application. I’ll have to look it up for my kids.
Joyce Kernan
I loved reading your great review. My daughter got the Ipad a few weeks ago and she loves it. I like the idea that it is so versatile and conveniently portable. Right now I have to be satisfied with my Iphone and lugging my laptop everywhere I go, but I am really hoping to get an Ipad eventually.
Sharon Thayer
great review ! I haven’t really read alot about the IPAD just yet but glad I read your review because I learned something about it that I did not know . That being that it is an ereader ! I have been thinking of buying an ereader for myself and now I am thinking maybe I should just go this route and have a lot more to go with it !!
Great review! I think I might need one.
Jan S.
Your review was nicely balanced and your video showed one of the apps used with enthusiasm. Haven’t even trialed one of these yet, and would think that some integration of camera, multi-tasking will be on the way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the ipad!
Sandra S
Oooh!! I do so want an ipad! I loved your review. My son is on the Autism Spectrum so I am looking forward to your review about the benefits of ipad for him. Thanks!
I’m hoping to purchase my own iPad, my husband has one already and it’s amazing. I love it! I love my Nook, but the iPad is so much more than just an ereader, and I think for busy Moms everywhere, just what you need!
Thanks for the review!
Dottie 🙂
Great review! I like it that Larry the Bird mimics back in a high squeaky voice everything that you’ve said, and I’m sure kids love to see Larry the Bird explode and then come back to live! The music and e-reader functions seem valuable too, and maybe the company will come up with something that doesn’t cause fingerprints to stick to it!
Nice review. My boyfriend keeps hoping and hoping for one….someday maybe 🙂
lovemybabysquid at yahoo dot com
I would love to own one. My laptop is too cumbersome to carry around.
Great review…I own the 16gb ipad and I wish I would have gone with the 3G model only because I’d love to access the internet wherever I go and not just places with free wifi.
One thing I recommend for anyone who uses their ipad for reading or watching movies, the flip cases that stand your ipad up are nice so you don’t have to hold it. It’s also great for the kitchen if you’re using a recipe on the ipad.
Melissa O.
I have an iPhone and I really want an iPad. I wish it would have flash player though, that’s one of the things I hate about my iPhone. Apple needs to find a way to incorporate Flash into their devices!
Great review I personally myself would love to have one.
I have an ITouch and drool at the fact of owning an IPAD. I would love the screen size and all the APPLE features, would be so awesome to have one. Thanks for the Amazon giveaway 🙂
My dad was playing around with his new iPad this summer and it made me incredibly jealous! I definitely want one someday!
I’ve been lusting after an iPad since they came out! I’m jealous!
nan lara
i would love an ipad..seems to be able to do so much!
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
I have been entering a contest for the longest while to win one of these. For me, the school year begins in just a few days and I’d love to have this convenience!
Thank-you! Love seeing a user review rather than the technomaniac’s most reviews comprise. Can already see the tussle of 3 teenage girls fighting over who’s turn it is. Thanks again 🙂
Zoe Lee
I absolutely loooove my ipad, and your recommendations will go on my list, as I just had my first baby. Great review..thanks
The iPad sounds like it would be so much fun to own…I love browsing the internet & I love to cook, so it sounds like it would fabulous to have around for me. Plus the fact that it is lightweight just makes it even more appealing.
Thanks for the review! I would love to eventually purchase an iPad. It just seems so rad.
Deb K
Your review is very helpful to me in deciding whether or not I should splurge on an ipad!
Good review. No doubt it is cool. I am swayed by the enthusiasm of iPad users…but then, it is so expensive. I think it is worth it to wait until there is a camera & some more compatibility. I don’t mind using my laptop until the update comes.
Cynthia R
touching the screen to do everything sounds and looks neat, however, I think I’ll wait a bit longer until more stuff is available on the ipad, like you mentioned there’s no camera, flash player yet. Also I multitask between different screens, it would drive me crazy not to have that ability
Sheila Hickmon
Great review! I think it looks amazing, and I love the touchscreen! I love the e-reader. I’m an avid reader like you, so that is great! I really want one, it’s on my wish list for Christmas, so I’m hoping hubby is saving up for it lol!
Your review was great. My son has one and showed it to me. I wanted to steal it from him. It is an amazing gadget.
I admit that I’m intrigued by the iPad. I never thought I’d really care about an iPhone one way or the other, but then my husband upgraded and gave me his, and now I can’t imagine doing without it. I suspect an iPad would be pretty similar…I’d be ambivalent until I got one, and then I’d LOVE it.
Your review makes me want an ipad more than before. I just can’t bring myself to pay for the Apple name. Maybe they will go down in price a bit in a years time.
My husband and I would love an iPad! Me for the ebooks and the recipe apps, him just to be able to say he has one!
I’ve specifically avoided reading reviews of the ipad ’cause I knew I’d want one. I’m so jealous right now!
Angela Gaffke
I love the touchscreen but would constantly worry about scratching it. Thanks for the great review!
Nikki Davis
I am intrigued yet skeptical of the ipad. You are easing my concerns a bit. I was weighing the ipad versus the netbook for my daughter. I am now leaning towards the ipad.
Thanks for the info,
Very good review…you answered some of the questions I had about the iPad. My son wanted a Kindle, but this does books and a whole lot more. I can’t wait for the price to come down…
Donna B.
*sigh* your review makes me want one even more 🙁
Susan Smith
Sounds great! I like how it’s a book reader too. Hopefully someday I will be able to afford to buy one.
Tami @ ThisMomsDelight.com
Oh, I wish they would’ve let you keep it! I’m sure that’s how they lure new purchases though…get you hooked, then take it away!
I love my iPhone, so I’m sure I’d love the iPad just as much! A bigger screen would be handy in so many ways.
I like the idea of the iPad but I’m not sure I need one more gadget vying for my attention. Maybe when my son is a little older… I’ve been thinking of getting one for my husband, I really like that it is an ereader, can you download magazine articles to read?
Claudia Cooper
Great review – you mention benefits that would appeal to a wide demographic of potential users. You’re also very enthusiastic and excited about this product, which is a huge plus! I would LOVE to own one some day.
Neat that you found sing the iPad in the kitchen easy and cool that there are a ton of apps with recipes and cooking tips!
Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom
Great review – and I couldn’t agree more! I bought an iPad a few weeks ago, and my complaints are the same as yours – fingerprints and no camera. Other than those two things, I really, really love it. It is so much simpler than pulling the laptop out for simple things. I actually used mine on the way home from BlogHer on the airplane 🙂
Great review! I can see why my son wants one but, since they are really expensive, I’m glad that he’s grown so he’ll be paying for it himself. As for hubby and I, we don’t even have cell phones so it’s not something that we are interested in owning.
Great review! I love reading at night too, but end up not doing so because I hate having to get up and turn the light off when I’m finished, so the adjustable reading light is an AMAZING feature. I love the fact you can use it as a recipe book in the kitchen! You may have swadded my view of the ipad! Thanks!
I think the ipad is pretty cool and I’d love to have one…I do with they would get flash tho, come on!
Great review! I so want one but can’t put the money toward it right now — maybe eventually 🙂 It sounds like it does some great things!!
This was a very informative review! The iPad was on a recent talk show but they neglected to mention “no flash or camera yet”! Still its a great product all around without it! Thanks for the IMPORTANT details!
I am intrigued by the Ipad and the cult status among owners. My only negative comment would be the size. It’s seems just a bit too bid. I would prefer something closer in size to a netbook.
Debbie Stanton
I think I would love the Ipad… I have a bit of downtime when I am waiting at soccer practice or swim lessons or at the park and think this would be a great use of time for me and save time so when i am home, I can focus on home stuff and not the internetn.
Elise Mcallister
The more reviews I read about iPad the more I want to have it even though there are a lot of features that are not available. I will probably wait until third generation to buy it. Thanks to Apple, the touch screen is going to be the future of all gadgets.
I have been wanting to get an ipad but i think I will wait until it has a few more releases. I like flash player so this would be a ugh for me.
Erin Walsh
The three things that you mentioned, that would most affect my decision to buy an iPad are…
In favor of it, it’s lightness and versatility, such as using it for an e-reader.
The two against are the inability to surf the internet while doing other things and the lack of the ability to deal with flash.
For right now, I’ll hold, and wait for the technology to improve.
Erin M.
I’ve been trying my hardest to ignore iPad Reviews…but those apps are too cute/entertaining to pass up!
We love the iPad here. We don’t have the 3G one because we don’t have ATT service here. Love the battery life.
Aimee W.
I have REALLY wanted an iPad since I first learned about it! I love that it is so much more than just an eReader. In fact, I actually learned even more about the iPad from your review. For instance, I didn’t know you can watch Netflix movies on it…how cool! Although a camera would be nice, I don’t think it would be very practical.
R Hicks
I have heard so much about the iPad and your review makes me want to go out and buy one!
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
Geoff K
Thanks for the thorough review — it’s great to know both the good and bad about the iPad, especially since it’s still in its first generation. I love that it can be used for so many functions, especially as an e-reader and for Netflix, which is great on the go, but it’s disappointing that it can’t accommodate Flash just yet. I may wait till the second version comes out to consider springing for one, but it’s comforting to know that this first inception has so many amazing features.
Paul A
I agree it is good as a an e-reader and the apps are fun and great, but its a bit too big to carry in my pocket like the Itouch. Good review though and the kids love it as well. =)
Laura Emerson
I do not have an iPad yet but am hoping to get one for my birthday next month. I like the way you have showed me the pros and cons of it, as now I know it is the only gift I will ask my husband for. Thank you for the review!
that larry the bird app looks fun! i’m dying for an ipad but its not in the budget. sigh.
High quality review. Well done!
Amanda A
Thanks for the review! The convenience of it seems like it would be a big plus for me!!
Trisha Lynn
I want an Ipad!!! I love the mobility about them!!! Take your work anywhere is a really appealing thing!!
Thanks for your review. I’ve have been going back and forth on if I should buy one or not. It seems really cool with everything it can do. Maybe for Christmas I’ll get one.