Just one word Breathtaking!
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Did I hear them correctly last night. Did they say a group Bollywood routine tonight!!! I’m so excited!
Alea, I missed that! Thanks for pointing that out:) Tracy
I love this show. Unfortunately I have to save this weeks and next weeks shows until my daughter gets home from camp as we watch it together. This clip was beautiful.
Natasha @ Maw Books
So I don’t watch TV so the only time I see these things is when people like you post them. I had to watch it twice. Wow!
You know I used to watch this show, and for the life of me I can’t remember why I don’t anymore!
Tracy, I think that’s what she said at the very end of the episode unless I imagined it. She said a bunch of things very quickly! I hope it’s true….! It will be so much more powerful with 10 people doing it together!
Natasha, That’s about the only show I watch during the summer:)
Bree, How fun to watch with your daughter and wait for her to watch it. You both will love the episodes you have taped.
Kathleen, You should watch again! This is a good year!
Alea, I agree with you, can’t wait!