How to compose a bibliography for a term paper

A bibliography is the final part of any term paper. Most teachers pay close attention to it, since it is the bibliography that testifies to the depth of the study of the issue, its relevance and novelty. Also important is the competent design of the list of references in the academic term paper, without this it is unlikely that it will be possible to defend the research the first time.  

writing a term paper
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To avoid mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with useful information on this topic in advance and study samples that will help you visually understand how to write a list of references and the features of its compilation in a term paper. 

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Sources for a term paper 

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The correct way to work on a bibliographic list is to design it in parallel with writing the main text. Citing a quote, you should immediately add it to the list of sources. This way you can simplify your work and save time. 

Despite the fact that GOST does not regulate the number of publications in the list of references, at least 25 sources of various types are considered generally accepted for a term paper: 

  • textbooks. 
  • workbooks and teaching manuals. 
  • monographs. 
  • journal articles. 
  • dissertations and abstracts. 
  • sites. 

What is a must for all the literature to write my term paper you might ask? Well, it must be fully consistent with the topic of the term paper. According to state standards, references to the bibliography are obligatory in the text. 

When choosing sources, it is important to pay attention first of all to the most recent research, not older than 4 years. If this material is not enough, you can refer to the editions of the last decade. They should be no more than 30% of the entire list. 

When including them in the list of literature for a custom term paper, you need to take into account a couple of things: 

  • older sources are used equally with the latest, provided that the content is relevant to the theme of the project; 
  • the main value for any term paper is specialized research, such as monographs, articles, statistics. Textbooks play a secondary role; 
  • regulations and state laws are used only in the latest edition, indicating the date and source of the first publication. 

Selection of literature for term paper  

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Not a single college paper of this nature is complete without studying the literature on the chosen topic. There are even term papers without a practical part, the service of which is only to analyze a specific issue. 

When selecting material, you should use publications: 

  • indicated in the manuals. 
  • recommended by the supervisor. 
  • posted online. 

It is obligatory to refer to other sources: books, articles, essays and reviews, dictionaries and encyclopedias. You can refer not only to the materials of professional authors, but also to your teacher, which will be an additional benefit for the defense. All of them should be relevant to the research topic and discipline. 

Law students turn to legislative acts and regulations, judicial practice. For economic faculties, statistics, reports on financial flows within a particular organization are a priority. 

The more bibliography involved in writing, the better. However, it should be understood that the project base is up to 5 sources. The rest are auxiliary. 

How to make a list of references in term paper 

For a bibliographic entry, a new page is assigned, at the top of which a heading is written by you as a writer. There are several options: 

  • list of used literature. 
  • literature. 
  • literature and sources. 
  • bibliography. 

In any case, the list should be in the following order: 

  • Alphabetical. First there are publications with the letter A and then in alphabetical order. At the end, there is a place for foreign materials. 
  • By category. The first are normative acts, then books, including textbooks, monographs, dissertations, etc., then articles and electronic resources. It also needs to be sorted alphabetically. 
  • By use. Sources are placed in the list in the order they are mentioned in the text of a term paper. 
  • Each source in the list of references in the term paper must be properly designed. The form depends on whether it is a book, an article, or a legislative document. 
  • Books. The author is indicated, followed by the title, year of issue and volume. 
  • Articles. The author, title, then the name of the journal where the article is posted, then the year and issue number, the pages on which the information used is printed are written. 
  • Sites. The author, article title, page URL and date of access are written. 

Particular attention should be paid to punctuation. 

A comma is placed after the last name and before the initials. 

The name of the source is written without quotes. 

Next, an oblique line is placed, and data on authorship is written. 

In the case of several authors for one edition, the first of them is first mentioned, and the rest are placed after the slash according to the alphabet. 

This is followed by a double slash and the publisher, place and year of publication. For example, London, “The science”, 1999. 

The pages where the information taken is given are indicated (pp. 194-201). 

In addition to general requirements and rules, the professional department itself can make adjustments, independently determining the type of bibliography. All examples of such a list of references for term paper are prescribed in the workbook. 

How to write a term paper                   How to write a term paperHow to write a term paper

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