A great resource for parents with children on the Autism Spectrum is the book website http://www.asperger.net. They provide a huge selection of resources that includes everything from books for parents, professionals and children. I have spent hours looking at the amazing selections.
ABOUT AAPC(from website)
We are an independent publisher specializing in books on autism spectrum disorders based on the latest research on autism, Asperger syndrome and other pervasive developmental disorders. We take pride in offering books that provide practical solutions for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder as well as parents, teachers or others working or living with an individual with an autism spectrum disorder. In addition to autism books and asperger books, we offer videos and other interactive products.
We have recently expanded our titles of books and resources on social skills and sensory integration due to the importance of these areas for individuals on the autism spectrum and the scarcity of resources in these areas.
Whether you need information about an autism spectrum disorder or social skills or sensory integration, we offer books, resources, and conferences of the highest caliber with a practical focus.
Here are just a few of their new releases. You can purchase them at their website and Amazon.
My New School: A Workbook to Help Students Transition to a New School
by Melissa L. Trautman, Ms. Ed
FROM PUBLISHER: For many students with autism spectrum disorders, even relatively minor changes to their daily routines and schedules are overwhelming; imagine how traumatic moving to a new school would be! Written by somebody who truly knows kids, this interactive book addressed directly to the student takes a practical and honest approach to this anxiety-provoking subject by acknowledging the difficulties transferring to a new school can bring and engaging the students in a series of proactive activities designed to lessen his fears by resulting in tangible steps to take, to-do lists, checklists, etc. Whether the transfer is due to a typical transition between school levels, a family move, divorce or whatever, this book is sure to make the transition smoother.
REVIEW: I was excited to read this book. Thankfully our school was wonderful about our son’s transition into kindergarten. They sent us a book with pictures of the school, rooms, teachers and even the secretary. We also got to tour the school and he spent several days there at the end of the summer, learning what he would be doing in Kindergarten. My New School would be something I would have also worked with him on during the summer to get ready. It is written for and to your child. Each chapter has a worksheet and a page about how they can feel more comfortable in their new school. She covers moving, support system, anxiety tips, and before and during school activities. I thought it was easy to understand at a six year old level. You can adjust the reading level according to your child’s skills when you work with them. Because transitions can be so stressful for some children, I would definitely add this book to my library.
Pirates: An Early-Years Group Program for Developing Social Understanding and Social Competence for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Challenges by Dr. Margaret Anne Carter and Josie Santomauro
FROM PUBLISHER: Using a pirate theme popular among young children, this social understanding program is designed for children, ages preschool to third grade, who have social cognitive challenges, including autism spectrum disorders. Through fun and engaging activities, the program helps children learn constructive social interaction skills related to friendship making, social problem solving and emotional expression. This eight-adventure pirate voyage includes the following focus areas: social understanding, friendship making, emotional literacy and emotional expression, relaxing, social problem solving and responding to bullying incidents.
REVIEW: The pirate theme is a great idea to focus children on social understanding and interaction with peers. The book provides everything the teacher or parent would need for the curriculum. Each chapter provides the Captains Navigation Record, which is detailed information that the teacher needs for the class. Each class begins with a song, a revisit of how to earn Gold coins, an art activity or a game and a parents letter and log. The coins are a great idea for motivation on how to make friends and control emotions. There is much more with movie and game lists. It is written for a group of four children or more, but it can be adapted to ages pre school through third graders and for one child.
Sing, Move, Learn
by Jenny Clark Brack, OTR/L, BCP, AOTA Board Certification in Pediatrics
FROM PUBLISHER– Children with sensory processing disorder struggle to process sensory input from the world around them and, as a result, their basic motor skills are often impacted. Sing, Move, Learn is a fun way for kids to get moving and do exercises that develop their fine-motor skills and regulate their sensory system. This lively CD features 25 songs that accompany the themed lesson plans in Jenny’s first book, Learn to Move, Move to Learn. The songs combine familiar tunes with new lyrics and feature a wide variety of musical instruments and tempos, making this an ideal tool for targeting a child’s sensory needs. Sing, Move, Learn is the perfect accompaniment to the Learn to Move, Move to Learn book, and also stands as a great teaching tool on its own. This is a must-have for parents, educators and therapists!
REVIEW: Chapter one gives an overview of Sensory Integration problems and the different kinds. The goal of the book is to provide fun activities with children while they are working on their sensory problems. Each chapter is a lesson plan that starts with a warm up book that ties into the sensory activities. For instance one plan is about caterpillars. She integrates the book about caterpillars into having the children act like a caterpillars (for vestibular needs), caterpillar bowling (eye hand coordination) an art activity of making wings( fine motor) and more. I think the lesson plans sound fun and that my son would enjoy a class that integrated it. It also provides many resources including websites, pictures for photocopy and more. Again I think it can be adapted to one child if a parent wants to also work on sensory at home. It comes with a CD of the music to use and we enjoyed the songs too. I think ages 4-7 would enjoy the class.
disclosure: this review/giveaway product was provided by the company or PR agency. My opinions are honest.
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